Thursday, July 21, 2011

Image for July 20, 2011 - What the Hell is it?

I don't know, but whatever it is, it appeared overnight after a heavy rain. My guess is it's some kinda mushroom, but let's have some fun and pretend that it's an invading alien of some kind. Not a silver disk full of classic big-headed greys, or some giant senseless freak crashing about or legions of murderous robots, just some weird, simple thing that appears one day and just starts to grow and cover everything. Hmmmm.....


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Image for July 18, 2011 - Dirty Mini-Van Star Wars

I have started to leave my camera out for my commute to and from work so I can capture the random weirdness that I see so often. It's yielded a few gems and I have missed even more, but today I hit the jackpot. Two key moments from "Star Wars: A New Hope" drawn into the dirt on the back window of a mini-van. On the left there is a light saber duo; hard to tell if it's Darth and Obi-Wan, but I think it could be. The figure on the left clearly has a larger head, hence Darth's helmet. On the right side of the glass is the rebel run on the Death Star. I am amazed that such simple drawings can conjure up such a huge chunk of pop culture. It was nice to see someone do something different with a dirty vehicle window then the usual "Wash Me!" and a smiley face.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Image for July 17, 2011 - Portable God

I rarely see open displays of religion, christian or otherwise,  on dashboards these days, so was blown away when I stumbled across this magnificent shrine beautifully installed in a mini-van in the parking lot of a convenience store in Hampton, Va. I'm not sure which deity this is intended for, maybe Hindu god? I love the mystery and ornate quality of this piece. And what's in the bag?


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Image for 7-16-11 - Now & Zen

Lorraine & Janet
My wife is exhibiting some of her large scale multimedia drawings at The ODU Baron and Ellin Gordon Art Gallery in joint show with her  friend, Lorraine Fink called "Now & Zen". The opening was last night and the crowd was large and enthusiastic. It was wonderful to see so many old friends and also meet a some new ones. The Baron and Ellin Art Gallery is a splendid setting for viewing art and showcased this show's over-sized paintings and drawings perfectly. If you missed the opening last night, but still would like to see the art, no worries as it's on through September fourth.  Do yourself a favor and get some culture.


Image for 7-15-11 - Playing Hooky

Sometimes you just gotta break out of the routine and reclaim your life. I took the day off from work today. It was necessary to recharge the batteries. I decided to devote some of the day to reconnecting with my creative life. I've been feeling guilty about not working on my book project to collect my old underground comic, so today was the day to get back on track. I also finished my first wood carving, the fish I posted about not long ago. All he lacked was a sealing coat of polyurethane. Good night my son.


Friday, July 08, 2011

Goodbye Atlantis - July 8, 2011

I watched the Shuttle launch for the last time today. It was a flawless launch, though there was a brief delay at the :31 second mark for one last bit of reflection. I work at NASA Langley, so this milestone means a lot to me. I've always been a fan of the space program and it's been a true honor to get to work with the people who make the Shuttle possible. To share this historic moment with my such a good group of people is an honor. There are two theaters here on center and the main viewing event was set-up at the Pearl Young Theater, I opted for the back-up location as it is across the street from my office and it was also not as packed. There was no cheering when the spacecraft cleared the launch pad, we all have learned the hard way to wait a bit now until that brilliant sliver of light reaches high enough to be safely in orbit. It was a somber, sad affair for the people watching in the room many of whom have spent their entire career working on the Shuttle. The USA will officially have no way to put humans into space after this mission. NASA's limited budget ($19 Billion this year, less then one sixteenth of one percent of the overall budget, less then two months worth of what we spend just on the Afghanistan war) forces the choice between maintaining a fleet of low orbit vehicles like the Shuttle or going for deep space goals like the Moon, Mars and beyond. They are choosing the later leaving the low orbit work to the private sector and Elon Musk's Space X Falcon System which is scheduled to have it's first manned launch in 2014. That seems like a long way off. Godspeed Atlantis!


Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Image for 7-6-11 - The Speed of Life

Time is going by too fast for me right now. Once we get past the Fourth of July, it feels like a quick jump from Labor Day to Halloween and Christmas. I've been spending a lot of time on the road lately between the trips to Mississippi and Nags Head, not to mention my daily commute to work of fifty-four miles (roundtrip). Life becomes a blur at times, my own version of "Groundhog Day", wake-up-work-home-sleep-repeat. All we can do is make the time we have count for something.


Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Image for 7-4-11 - Happy Birthday America!

I spent the weekend down in Nags Head, NC with friends. It was a classic Fourth of July weekend; hot, hazy and lazy. The beach was covered in tourist. The pelicans glided through the hot air. Occasionally, a pod of dolphins cut through the waves. We ate, we drank and we napped. It was a fine time. Unfortunately, we had to drive back today,  so no fireworks at the beach, which was a slight drag. Any hope to catch some here at home was dampened by a heavy storm front. Happy 235th Birthday America.


Sunday, July 03, 2011

image for 7-2-11 - Train Game

Saturday night dominos with friends. Nothing better. Especially when I win!


Friday, July 01, 2011

Image for 6-30-11 - Sunset

I did something last night that I haven't done in awhile, I walked on the beach to enjoy the sunset. It's easy to take for granted the beach option that lies just a few feet from my front door. I'm not naturally a beach person, you won't find me hunkered down in my beach chair sizzling like a hot dog in the blazing sun. I do like to walk on the beach, particularly in the off season. I also like a good sunset (who doesn't). The beauty is so brief. That twilight glow is unreal, calming and peaceful and can help one forget the tensions of the day. I need to do that more often.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Image for 6-26-11 - Hiking and the Bayou Bugaloo

I was off my hiking routine for the last week and a half or so, but made up for it this weekend by hiking Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I got up and hit a solid seven miles this morning. The heat rung me out, but still managed to get a strong pace going. I saw these weird, alien-like seed pods hanging off some trees along Shore Drive and had to get a shot. The remind me of some kind of science fiction illustration from the 1950s. Tiny, organic Sputniks.

Later that afternoon we went down to Town Point Park in Norfolk to catch some New Orleans flavor at the Bayou Bugaloo Festival. I remember back to the old days when it was free and the Neville Brothers would play every year filling the park with drunken, dancing fools. Now it costs ten dollars a head, so the crowds are smaller and less drunk and don't dance as much and it's been years since the Nevilles have been through. We caught The Savoy Cajun Family Band, Bonerama, Anders Osborne and The Funky Meters. My fav was Bonerama, always a good time. They went from "Down By the Riverside" to "The Big Chief Song" to "Helter Skeletor" without breaking a sweat (that's not true, they were all sweating like dogs, but we all were 'cause it was hot). Anders Osborne was OK, basically just played one long jam session, which got tedious after awhile. The Funky Meters fell to the jam groove too, which was too bad as their set just melted down into an indecipherable never-ending series of noises that were no fun. Some folks tried to dance to it, but gave up after awhile. The musicians looked like they were having fun, so nice for them. We left as they were still trying to find their way out of that maze of sound. Just in time for me as I was red as a crayfish and needed some shade and a big glass of ice water. Man, do I miss New Orleans.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Image for 6/23/11 - Cat taking a picture

It reads, "Smile God Loves You", with no irony. Ever see one of these cheesy wall hangings in a thrift store and wonder, "Gee, do people actually hang this crap on their walls?". Well, yes they and do and you might be related to them, or, in this case, I am related to them. Got to admit, it is a cute picture of a cat operating a camera.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Image for 6-19-11 - My First Haircut

I am down in Mississippi visiting my Dad and Step Mom. It's always strange for me to be down here because, despite the fact that my Father is from here, I feel no connection. The Weaver side of the family has lived in Eastern Mississippi for generations. My Dad broke that chain when he went into the Navy and left the sweltering, kudzoo-covered life down here to see the world. He eventually came back home, but none of his children have ever followed him here.

My Dad's living room is filled with pictures of his kids, grandkids and Betty, my Step Mom's children. I found this photo of my older sister and me taken when I was about one or so. My Dad told me that it was taken shortly after I had my first haircut given to me by a barber that had cut my Dad's hair, his Dad's hair and his Dad's hair. Four generations of Weaver hair had fallen under this guy's scissors. I wish I had a photo of him.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mountain Sky

On the road, heading to Mississippi.
--Sent from my Virgin Mobile!
Location : lat=35.658, lng=-81.993

Sent from my Virgin Mobile

Friday, June 17, 2011

Image for June 17, 2011 - Making a Mark

This leaf is long gone, but it left it's mark on the world. It's shape endures for now etched into this strip of white crosswalk paint. Whenever I walk over to the mailbox here at work, I pass this leaf silhouette and it always brings my mind around to how brief our time is on this planet and how will anyone know we were here. Leaving one's mark has been a motivator to people in all walks of life since cave people took up a charred stick and drew on a cave wall. Some people leave their mark through their children and families, some through their creative pursuits. Some people don't care or feel it's out of their reach to make any meaningful impact on the world. Whether we chose to or not, we are all affecting the world and the people around us for good or for ill, mostly in ways that we'll never know or understand. I've been making a conscious effort to bring art into my life more, both in reality and online. I've also been trying to encourage people, friends and strangers to create art, write, make music, exercise that creative passion too. Make that mark. You never know who will eventually see it and what it will mean to their life.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Image for 6-15-11 - Potatoes in a Bag

Do you love potatoes? I sure do and I never thought I could grow'em myself until I heard about the garbage bag method. For those of us that are "gardening challenged" or have limited space or resources, this is a great way to easily grow some yummy taters. This is my second attempt, last year was a practice run, but this year the leafy gods have smiled upon me. When I lived in Ireland, I learned that home grown taters taste mush better then store bought. I can't wait to harvest these dogs in a couple of months.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stuck at the tunnel again

Nothing like commuting in Tidewater to bum you out. I was sitting for thirty-five minutes waiting for a multi-car accident to be cleared. Sometimes it's easier for me to relax and let go, but tonight I had somewhere to be, so the pressure was on. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to make that drive.


Location : lat=37.000, lng=-76.312

Monday, June 13, 2011

Image for 6-12-11 - Stormy Pattern

Lately, we have been experiencing some amazingly severe storms. They can pop-up on short notice and dump a huge amount of rain and whip up a fierce wind. We need the rain, but not the heavy action. With all the tornados and floods going on across the country, it feels like mother nature has got an attitude problem. The storms do make for some dramatic skies.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Image for 6-11-11 - Neighborhood Parade

On my hike today, I stumbled upon the Civic League's annual parade and picnic. It wasn't very long, but it looked like a lot of fun. I had forgotten completely about it, so it was a fun surprise to come around the corner and run into festivities. Maybe next year, I'll have to enter my own float. Hmmm....


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Image for 6-10-11 - 21st Century Haunted House

Remember when you were a kid, there was always one old derelict house in the neighborhood that everyone just knew was haunted. Well I don't know if this place is haunted, but it sure is derelict. It was born that way, abandoned midway in construction about a year and a half ago for unknown reasons, though I did hear a rumor that it wasn't properly constructed and water got in. As these stories often go, the building contractor went bankrupt and the owner has been in limbo. Now the teenagers and bums break in from time-to-time and someone comes around and fixes the big, plywood door and puts a bigger lock on it. Too bad it wasn't completed as it's an interesting design compared to the usual bland crap that is thrown up in Virginia Beach. It is a ghost of sorts, a constant haunting reminder of the shitty economy (as if we need another one). It would make a cool super villain's lair. Dah


Thursday, June 09, 2011

Image for 6-8-11 - Colin

This is my friend Colin Martin. We've been friends ever since we met at a Dr. Madblood (local TV horror movie host) mini-convention in the summer of 1978. We were young, geeky teenagers then, now we're geeky, middle-aged guys marveling at the speed of time and life. Colin and I have been through a lot; were roommates for a time; spent an action-packed month riding buses across Mexico back in the late 1980s; have made a few short movies together; have spilled our share of wine. We drifted apart for awhile as adults, but now are reconnected. It's good to have old friends in your life that have witnessed a huge arc of your history, and you theirs. Share the memories of late night horror movies and junk food and a million laughs. I'm lucky with Colin though, because there's much more that binds us together then just nostalgia. There's a lot left to our conversation and we got more good times to come. To the future!


Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Image for 6-7-11 - A New Tradition

Hello and welcome to my blog. Do you like to read "the words" and look at what we call "the pictures"? Then you, my friend, have clicked on the right link.

Sorry, lost my mind for a second. Actually, decided to start a new tradition of posting a self-portrait on my birthday, which is today, so here it is. Yes, I have a large, some say, giant head. I live with it and so should you.


Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Image for 6-6-11 - The Trunk

On the commute home, I found myself behind an antique car, a lovely old thing, obviously well-loved by it's owner. I focused in on the big, black trunk hanging off the back of the car and experienced a mini-epiphany. Trunk! A car trunk was at one time an actual trunk! Wow. What can I say. I'm easily amused.


Sunday, June 05, 2011

Image for 6-4-11 - Carving Finished!

I have finished carving my first wood sculpture! Hooray! I still need to stain him, so he's not quite one hundred percent done. For a first effort I'm pleased with how it came out. Just a little fish, no big whoop, but I enjoyed the process. It was good to get the hands moving again. Certainly is my most natural state to be creating something. I'm not going to speculate on what's next or make any big plans, just want to keep making things and having fun for now.


Saturday, June 04, 2011

Image for June 3, 2011 - Friday Drive Home

I was very glad that today was Friday. Not that anything particularly bad happened this week. I was just ready to be free for a couple of days. June third is a good day, if only because it is the birthday of my niece Windy and two good friends, Neil Bruce and Bernadette Kinlaw. I have lots of friends and family with birthdays this month. Makes me wonder what was so special about nine months ago. This image was just a random shot I took by laying my camera on the dashboard and shooting straight up. No mind, floating, randomness. Good way to start the weekend.


Friday, June 03, 2011

Image for June 2, 2011 -"The Tunnel" Movie

Recently I invested in the making of an Australian horror film called "The Tunnel". The producers came up with an innovative way to finance the film, they sold (and are still selling) frames from the finished film for one dollar each to the tune of 135,000 frames. I bought twenty-five frames, about one seconds worth. The film premiered a couple of weeks ago and now is available on DVD or as a torrent download (if you download it, support the film and buy some frames). The producers also distributed the frames to everyone who invested, so I downloaded mine and have been enjoying the sneak preview. I've posted some of the more interesting ones here. 

I enhanced this one, to try and figure out what the heck is going on. I see a pant leg and a shoe moving to the right.

This looks like a skull embedded in a rock or mud wall. I can't wait to see this movie.


Thursday, June 02, 2011

Image for June 1, 2011 - Unexpected Visitor

Guess who almost came for dinner? This little guy wandered around from behind the shed while I was manning the grill tonight. My first thought was RABIDS! But Janet had read that at this time of the year, the raccoons are out and about more forging and getting into trouble. This critter kept his distance, but did not appear afraid, which scared the crap out of me. Maybe people have been feeding him and he's lost his fear of humans. I could tell he was hungry and I had to fight the urge to feed him. When it comes to animals, I am a soft touch. He he stays around I might have to name him or call animal control.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Image for May 29, 2011 - Magnificent Model Airplane

I love models and miniatures. Yesterday, while out for a seven mile walk, I came across this exquisite larger scale (it's a about three feet from wingtip-to-wingtip) World War II fighter plane. I believe (without any googling) it may be a Corsair, but I'm glad to be corrected if someone out there knows better then me. I am guessing that this is a RC plane, probably gas powered. I used to build models when I was a kid. I put together everything from airplanes and tanks to those fantastic Aurora movie monster kits. Building model kits was early training for many of the skills I have developed into a career; painting, problem-solving, thinking in three-dimensional space, attention to detail. Stumbling upon this plane was a lovely surprise.


Image for May 28, 2011 - Bob and his Tiki

Was hiking through my neighborhood today and came across Bob the woodcarver guy working on the big Tiki that I have posted about before. He's a good guy, passionate about his work and encouraging to me to join him in the splintery realm. I told him of my first attempt at woodcarving, the little fish and will bring it by and show it off to him soon. It is almost finished. He's made a lot of progress on the big Tiki since I last posted in here about it. One day I'll be standing next to my own giant Tiki.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Image for May 25, 2011 - Dinner Out

We went out for dinner tonight at a neighborhood favorite place, "Zia Maire's". My nephew Jake in Wisconsin sent us a big gift certificate for that restaurant for Christmas and we needed to use it up before it expired. Tonight was the night. These flowers were outside the front door and visual sum up what a wonderful evening we had.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Things Fall Apart

Found this animation while surfing around on my lunch break:

Worn Out from Ryan Kothe on Vimeo.

A beautiful piece that reminds me of the Brothers Quay's work.


Image for 5-23-11 - Work in Progress

My first wood carving. I've had the tools for awhile, past time I used'em. This guy is almost done.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Image for 5-22-11 - No Pregnant Women!

So what would have a "No Pregnant Women" icon on it? Anyone? Ah, come on, take a guess.

OK, here's a hint; I brought it back from Scotland.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Image for 5-21-11 - Hamlet!

Yeah! I finally got to meet Hamlet the cat. Our friends Casey and Laura visited today and they brought their pets Hamlet and Bailey (the dog). I've been missing our old cat Thelma since she passed some months ago, so it was wonderful to have a little furry fool running around here for a little while. Might be time for us to get another cat...


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Image for 5-18-11 - Scotland Flashback: The Union Canal - Bridge 28

For today's photo, I'll dip back into the big pile of photos from the recent Scotland trip. This shot is from day two, our first day on the Union Canal hike. My friend Dave (pictured here) and I set off from Edinburgh and headed west covering the 32 miles to Flakirk in three days. There are sixty-two bridges along the route, here Dave is about to pass under bridge number twenty-eight. I like this shot because of the canal boat motoring by. We saw a lot of other canal boats, but they were usually docked and not "in action". I have posted on Flickr the better pictures from Day one of the trip. More photos from the trip soon.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Inspiring Kinetic Sculpture

My friend Laura shared this video with me and I had to repost it. Fantastic to see these animal-like sculptures moving in the wind. Enjoy. OK HW

Image for 5-17-11 - The Perfect Stranger

This is one of my old sculptures called "The Perfect Stranger". It's a direct fabrication done with ultracal-30, a super hard industrial-grade plaster. I worked the material wet, then did some sanding and shaping with rasps and files after it hardened. The final touch was some acrylic paint. Now you might understand why I love textures and peeling paint.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Image for 5-16-11 - Scotland Flashback: Punk Rocker

The first day of my trip to Scotland, I stumbled on a group of Scottish Socialist and Anarchist protesting the Royal Wedding. There was also a small group of British loyalist literally wrapped in the Union Jack taunting the protesters and singing "Hail Britannia" from across the street. The cops and journalist out numbered them all. I grabbed a few pics of this guy, an archetypal punk rocker, roving through the crowd drinking a beer and providing a perfect photo-op for the photojournalist and tourist. Good to see some people still flying the flag of punk rock.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Image for 5-15-11 - Rain Barrel Time

Got the rain barrel deployed for the season. I like using rain water for watering our plants. Just makes good sense and saves some dough on the water bill. Trying to grow potatoes-in-a-bag again this year. Last year was a bit of a disaster with no growth or potatoes, but feeling more optimistic this year with some good, sprouting taters to start with. Now we just need some rain to fill the barrel and away we go!


Sunday, May 08, 2011

Rainy Sunday in Edinburgh

Sorry for the lack of posting. I have been Twitting (@Weaverwerx) and posted a few updates on FB. Don't have an easy way to upload photos while on the road overseas. Nearly upgraded my iPod to the latest with the built in camera and wished I had. Next trip.

This has been a fantastic trip. Dave and I have covered alot of ground in the last week-and-a-half. Hiked the full length of the Union Canal. A couple of days on the coast visiting friends in Dunbar. And now back in Edinburgh for Dead by Dawn, a must viewing for any horror fan.

I hope to post a photo or two tomorrow before we fly back Tuesday. There will be much more to follow when I get back for the big catch up.


Monday, May 02, 2011

Image for May 1, 2011 - Union Canal - Ratho to Linlithgow

Union Canal Aqueduct
The Union Canal features several aqueducts that carry the canal over roads, rivers and walkways, sometimes all at the same time. It's a strange feeling to be walking along the secluded path only to come out over a roadway with cars speeding underneath. I guess it's easier then building a bunch of locks to help the boats transverse the landscape.

I threw in an extra photo from this day of Dave and I in front of a field of rapeseed that a fellow walker took for us. The rapeseed fields were in full color and photos will never fully capture the intense vibrancy of the yellow flowers. For the first part of the walk, we'd see the yellow fields far off in the distance shimmering like the yellow brick road, seen but always out-of-reach. Finally at this point of the hike we came right alongside a field and had to use it as a backdrop. I've done a far bit of solo hiking, but I always prefer to have a good friend along. Anyone reading this would be fortunate to have a friend as good as Dave has been to me. He's a solid trail companion and I look forward to many more adventures in the future with him.
Hal and Dave along the Union Canal


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Image for 4-30-11 - Danger of Death!

I love that sign, saw while hiking the Union Canal. It's warning against the overhead power lines. Judging from the barbed wire wrapped around the pole, I guess they've had a few people try and climb it. I think that sign is applicable anytime though. The end can come anytime, so you better get out there and live your life. The samurai would "freshen their minds with death" every morning to remind themselves how short and fragile life is. I do the same.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Image for 4-29-11 - The Old Castle Town

The castle is the symbol for Edinburgh. I saw this old relief logo on the side of a small utility shed (or was it a public toilet?). I'm a sucker for peeled paint and I like the icon design.

I pulled the photos off the camera last night, all six hundred and fifty-two of them. I know my pal Dave shot about double that. It was a very well documented journey. We saw and did a lot in the twelve days we were on the ground there, the trip featured a little of everything, some hiking, visited new places I had not been to before in Scotland, catching up with old friends, some urban exploring and finally, Dead by Dawn, my favorite horror film festival. It's been six years since I last set foot in Scotland, also for DbD, as my circle of horror film friends refer to it. I was surprised at how little had seemed to change in Edinburgh, a few new shops  here and there, but when the city's essential layout was made in stone hundreds of years ago, there's no easy way to modify that without obliterating part of your history. Tidewater (I refuse to use "Hampton Roads", a rant for another time), seems to revel in destroying any building new or old that stands in the way of "progress", I use the term loosely as it generally means making way for a parking lot, chain drug store or, more likely, luxury condos. I'm sure that if I lived in Edinburgh for a while, something I'd love to do, that I'd see the creepy corporate influence there as well. On this trip, I was blissfully happy to wander The Meadows (a large park in the southern part of the city) or hang out in the Grassmarket ( area with pubs and shops in the shadow of the castle). Oh Edinburgh! I love you!


Back in Edinburgh

My flight arrived on time. After all the drama yesterday, I'm amazed that I got out at all. Fully expected to be sleeping in Newark airport last night.

My friend Alan Smart picked me up at the airport. I know Alan from my time living in Ireland. We were both kitchen help in an Italina restaurant in a small town in the west of Ireland. A long story for another time.

Edinburgh is strangely quiet today because of holiday for the Royal Wedding. The empty streets fits my mood.


Enjoying a Guinness in NJ

On the ground in Newark. First pint of the trip. The second pint was bought a a swell Scotish guy named Paul. He and his wife were just returning from their first visit to NYC.