Found the link to this Superhero Personality Quiz on my buddy Craig Adam's MySpace page and could not resist. Ironically enough, The Hulk was my favorite superhero when I was a kid. Still have a huge pile of Hulk comics in a box in my office that I keep threatening to post on ebay, but never seem to be able to pull the trigger on that. Ah nostalgia. The Hulk actually has a blog, check it out: HW
Your results:
You are HulkHulk |
| 70% | Iron Man |
| 65% | Green Lantern |
| 55% | Supergirl |
| 50% | Spider-Man |
| 45% | Catwoman |
| 45% | The Flash |
| 45% | Batman |
| 45% | Superman |
| 45% | Wonder Woman |
| 40% | Robin |
| 32% |
| You are a wanderer with amazing strength.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz