photo courtesy of Master Builder Films copyright 2006
More "Happy Walter" news. Zoje, the director, has finished the film and has been submitted to the following film festivals: Sundance, SXSW (Austin, TX), Birds Eye View Film Festival (London), Silver Lake Film Festival (Los Angeles), and The World of Comedy International Film Festival (Toronto). Best of luck (sorry, couldn't resist Z) to Zoje and I'll be anxious to hear which festivals have the intelligence and fine taste to program this little gem. Would you like to get a little sneak peak of the flick? Well now you can, as the first two clips have been posted on The Master Builder Films web site.
Clip One is a brief introduction to Happy Walter. Note; yours truly created the magazine covers that trace Happy's career.
Clip Two is a chase sequence. Who is chasing whom and why? Well, that's where the drama part comes in. Watch the clip and decide for yourself.
More news as it becomes less available...