Stéphane Charbonnier "Charb"
Georges Wolinski
There were others killed in the attack, eight other people and more injured, and they too risked and gave their lives fro free expression. Tonight there were protests all across Paris and Europe, silent vigils of thousands carrying signs of solidarity that read, "Je Suis Charlie". I've been to Paris a couple of times and love the people and culture there. It makes my heart sick to think of the hate and violence of todays' events, but seeing those Parisans from all walks of life standing together reassures me that they will not be oppressed.
"Je Suis Charlie" indeed. I thought about throwing out some snarky Mohammad cartoon, but my beef isn't with Islam or Muslims, the vast majority of whom are just as outraged at this tragedy as anyone else, so why throw more fuel on the fire? So instead, I drew my old underground comix character, 3-D Speed Freak saying "Je Suis Charlie", solidarity in the comix world and the real world too. Now is the time to stand with the Parisians and the French and all other lovers of art and free expression.
Je Suis Charlie...