Saturday, June 05, 2021

52 Fridays - Doodle Dan


I don't doodle enough, but I did this week. Doodles are generally idly done while thinking about something else, so they are, I believe, a connection to the subconscious. With my other, more formal drawings, I can be too conscious at times, thinking too much about the drawing and how I am doing it and that it had better be good. Doodles are the opposite of that. I'm just playing, making marks and not trying to make a "good drawing". I often throw them away. I saved this guy because I like it. It's on a scrap of paper I used for my daily To-Do list. The back of this note was filled with small tasks that have been marked through. There's one task at the top of the drawing, "LATVIAN", my reminder to take an online Latvian lesson and next to that, WALK, which I also did. Then I noodled up this little guy in a couple of minutes. I like the looseness and energy of the line. It has a bit of a 1980s feel to it. Do you doodle? If so, do you ever save them?

Happy Friday again and welcome to June!