Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stuck at the tunnel again

Nothing like commuting in Tidewater to bum you out. I was sitting for thirty-five minutes waiting for a multi-car accident to be cleared. Sometimes it's easier for me to relax and let go, but tonight I had somewhere to be, so the pressure was on. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to make that drive.


Location : lat=37.000, lng=-76.312


  1. The only thing traffic is good for is to crank up the stereo and sing along with you favorite goofy song!

  2. Back when I used to commute across town, I started bringing the paper with me, then a book, since all the lights on Tulane from Metairie to the city are timed especially for you to catch every red light along the way -- eventually I was pissed when the light turned green, because I was trying to read over here!
