Monday, February 28, 2011

Image for 2/27/11 - Janet's in the studio and I feel fine...

My lovely wife is back in her studio with a smile on her face, making marks and making art! She's working on a new series of drawings that are over photographs of assembled sculptures that she made. Here's a shot of her working on the latest one. I feel privileged to watch her work progress. I get to see more of her work then anyone else, so envy me. Her work has a depth and power that never fails to open my head up. Her work is that "crack that lets the light in" that Leonard Cohen sang about. Janet has a slightly neglected blog called "Daily Drawings" that's worth a look if you want to explore her stuff. I'm lobbying her to start posting on there again, so leave her an encouraging comment. We want more art!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Image for 2/26/11 - Teresa and David

Tonight Janet and I had dinner (Indian Food!) with our good friends Teresa and David. I will always be grateful to Teresa for introducing me to my wife Janet  some fifteen years ago this May. I was doing a local, outdoor art show back then, called Stockley Gardens, when Teresa brought Janet my way and now here we are a couple of old married couples hanging out breaking the naan (like I said, we were at an Indian restaurant). We always enjoy hanging with them because the conversation is lively, full of art and travel talk. As old Jimbo once said, "I love the friends I've gathered here on this thin raft." Indeed.


UPDATE: February 27, 2011

Last night Teresa was telling us about a video she just did for the Virginian Pilot, she's the arts writer there. This is her first video project for the newspaper's web site (Teresa shot it and Brian Clark handled the post-production). I like it so much, I want to share it. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Image for 2/25/11 - Quitting Time

I see these big spheres everyday where I work and I have no idea what they are for. I think they have some connection with a wind tunnel or test facility, maybe a gas storage system. Sometimes I prefer to leave things ambiguous, enjoy the mystery. Pretty colors and shapes. Isn't that enough?