Sunday, February 15, 2015

Will You Walk with Me? - 2/14/15 - Image-a-day

Will you walk with me? Down the beach on a cold, windy day. The winter sun soft and low in the cloudy sky. We're both a little older now and there are a few aches and pains, but some fire left in the belly. Will you walk with me, my old friend, my new friend, my love...


PS - This was the hike.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Big Red - 2/13/2015 - Image-a-day

This hulking beast is parked across the street from our house. Our neighbor recently tore down his old house which has given us an unobstructed view of the Chesapeake Bay for a couple of months. Now the heavy equipment has come in and soon the construction will begin. We'll be sorry to lose our view once again.


Friday, February 13, 2015

A Touch of Frost - 2/12/15 - Image-a-day

Woke up to an Arctic blast that left a covering of frost on the cars and the bushes. It didn't last long once the sun took the sky, but lingered in the shadows for a little while. The crisp edges on the ivy like powered sugar.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Watching Shadows on the Wall - 2/11/15 - Image-a-day

Late on a winter day, I find these long shadows painting the hall as I left the office for the day. It was just that moment. It was the right time of the year. The right time to leave for the day. The right light at the right angle. It was just that moment. What was your moment today?


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

JAVA - 2/10/15 - Image-a-day

Cold weather day like today, it's damn near impossible to get through it without a cup or two of hot, black coffee. Today's image is of a refrigerator magnet a made back in the Kan-Ken Studio days of my art career. I used to do a lot of outdoor art shows back then and found it good to have some smaller, impulse buy pieces to ensure sufficient sales.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Game Over - 2/9/15 - Image-a-day

I did the laundry tonight. Monday night always seems to be a good night, it just seems wrong to have to do it over the weekend. The place I usually go to has a classic, sit down Ms. Pacman machine, which I've never played. When I was a kid, I was never any good at Pacman, always preferred Defender or Robotron or even Donkey Kong if I was going to play an arcade game.


Monday, February 09, 2015

Zombie Response Unit - 2/8/15 - Image-a-day

While driving home Friday, I spotted this "Virginia Zombie Outbreak" vehicle in the Ocean View section of Norfolk, Va. I had seen it once before a few months ago, but failed to get a photo, so I was glad to cross paths with it again. I am a fan of eccentrics and think it's a fading quality in the American character and blame the internet and the over abundance of homogenized twenty-four television culture distracting and brainwashing the population into a dull stupor. I wonder if this is just some kid having a bit of laugh or maybe they're shooting a movie. Whatever the reason, these folks are serious with a human skull dangling from the roof rack. I for one sleep a little sounder knowing that "Unit 2" is on patrol and will be ready to take on the zombie outbreak when it happens.


Sunday, February 08, 2015

Dart World - 2/7/15 - Image-a-day

I went over to my good, old pal, Doug Maume's house tonight to throw darts and guess who won? We both did, 'cause anytime you can spend time throwing darts on a Saturday night with an old friend, everyone is a winner.


PS - I won three games out of five, but it was very close...

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Monsters from Heaven - 2/6/15 - Image-a-day

Today I received a surprise gift that took me back to a favorite part of my childhood, "Famous Monsters of Filmland" magazines! I first encountered Famous Monsters or "FMs" as me and my friends called it, one summer when I was staying with my Aunt and Uncle in Woodruff, Wisconsin. I picked-up a copy of issue #114 at a drug store and my life was never the same. I read that magazine until the covers fell off. When I returned home to Eau Claire, I went to buy the latest issue but could not find it any where in town! Horrors! I worked hard and saved my money and got a subscription. After that, I never missed an issue until they stopped publishing it in 1983. "Famous Monsters" was the bible for monster movie geeks through the 1960s and 1970s. The beloved Forry Ackerman, a.k.a. "The Forrymonster" was the editor and driving personality behind the magazines amazing photos, articles and legendarily bad puns. I fondly recall flipping through the pages and obsessing over the images of movies I wished to one day see. This was long before Netflix or DVDs or even VHS tapes! If there was a movie you wanted to catch, you had to hope it showed up in the TV guide and was on a channel that came in clear or clear enough. I watched many a late night movie through the flickering curtain of static, squinting desperately to make out the monster. That usually made a mediocre movie great since my over-active imagination would fill-in the blanks.

Will I be reading these mags? You're damn right I will!

Thank you Larry Merrill,


Friday, February 06, 2015

Happy Birthday Uncle Bill - 2/5/15 - Image-a-day

Today would have been William Burroughs' one hundredth and first birthday if he was still with us. In honor of that I share with you a close-up image of a bas-relief sculpture I did of that cranky, old beatnik queen called "El Hombre Invisible" I crafted nearly twenty years ago (when Burroughs was still alive) in October of 1995, so this post can also function as a "throwback-Thursday" for those that are into that kind of thing. Of the beat writers, Burroughs was always my least favorite, I was always more of a Kerouac man, but I tried to love Uncle Bill. Read "Naked Lunch" straight through and it did bend my mind, but not in a way that I liked. Now that I'm getting older and have an experience or two, I need to give him another read as I think I can receive his signal better now. This week the NPR radio show "This American Life" featured a BBC audio documentary narrated by Iggy Pop no less, about Burroughs and it is necessary listening for anyone into the beats, Burroughs or the idly curious. Those hippos are still boiling in their tanks Bill. Thanks' for all the laughs...


Thursday, February 05, 2015

Happy 75th Birthday George Romero - 2/4/15 - Image-a-day

Seventy-five years ago today, George A. Romero, father of modern zombie culture, was born in New York City according to IMDB. I love his first three zombie movies, "Night of the Living Dead", "Dawn of the Dead' and "Day of the Dead" and the crazy, post-apocalyptic world he created. It's been strange to witness how his gruesome tales have gone from an underground, fringe genre to a mainstream phenomena, with shows like "The Walking Dead" serving up much more ultra-violent splatter on television no less. I have often leaned on being a zombie for Halloween. Here is my wife and myself from a few years ago as some tourist zombies. It's an easy costume to assemble, some old clothes and a bit of greenish gray make-up and some dried blood and you're off to the mall. I'll always be a "slow-zombie" fan.

Happy Birthday George!


Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Trash Truck Time Machine - 2/3/15 - Image-a-day

On the drive into work this morning, I past this graffiti-covered trash truck and was instantly back in the 1980s. Trash Truck Time Machine baby!


Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Raiders of the Lost Burrito - 2/2/15 - Image-a-day

Did I visit a museum today? No, I went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant that was recently renovated and tricked out with an extra helping of Mayan and Aztec inspired art. The scenic design was so elaborate that it was like walking onto the set of a Indiana Jones knock-off. "Indy, the monkey died, don't eat that burrito!" Someone put a lot of effort into all the wonderfully detailed sculptures and wall paintings. I hope they had as much fun making it as I did looking at it.


Monday, February 02, 2015

Don't Fear the Reaper - 2/1/15 - Image-a-day

Today's image came from yesterday's long hike. It's an outdoor sculpture of a skeleton in the yard of a house along the Cape Henry Path in Virginia Beach. It's a larger-than-life metal rendering and I always see it as a Grim Reaper. A reminder of how brief and fragile this sweet life is. Hiking is a sensual act for me, something that connects me to the world and makes me feel alive. The samurai had a bushido saying, "That it is good to fresh one's mind every morning with death". That sounds morbid, but what it means is to not take life for granted. Today was a good day. I walked on the beach with my wife, worked on some art and ate a fine meal. I hope your day was lived as well.


Sunday, February 01, 2015

Nature's Catherdal - 1/31/2015 - Image-a-day

I've been behind in my hiking/walking/running miles this month. My goal this year is eight hundred miles, so I need to average about sixty-seven miles a month. Today I got out for a big hike, thirteen miles, which brought my total for the month to fifty-seven miles, so ten miles behind.

It was a cold, crisp day, perfect for a long hike, so I started from my house in Chick's Beach and headed to the Virginia Beach oceanfront via First Landing State Park. I took the "Long Creek Trail" which runs the length of the park, much of it along the water. One of my favorite sections wanders through a stand of Spanish Moss covered trees. There is a scared atmosphere to this area. The grey, shroud-like moss gently moving with the breeze suggests a living cathedral. I wonder if the native American Indians who lived here before the Europeans came, considered it holy ground?


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bulls' Eye - 1/30/15 - Image-a-day

I was very happy to find real, steel-tip dart boards in Pleasure House Brewing tonight. Too bad I didn't have my darts with me, but next I will. The electronic boards have become the standard these days I think mostly because they require quarters to use, but the steel-tip boards are the one and only true dart game in my book.


Friday, January 30, 2015

Farewell Mike Larsen - 1/29/15 - Image-a-day

This is a wood sculpture by Michael Larsen. Mike was a friend and brother-artist and he died this week at the much too young age of forty-four. I knew Mike from working with him at Virginia Scenic where we both carved theatrical set pieces. We always had a friendly competition and would trash talk each other's work, but when the rubber-met-the-road, Mike always was generous of spirit and a supportive colleague.

I don't know why he left us too soon, but the world is a better place for the lovely art he created while he was with us.

Rest in peace my friend.


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Shadows on the Wall - 1/28/15 - Image-a-day

Never doubt that you are always surrounded by art. You just need the right eyes to see it.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

First Snow - 1/27/2015 - Image-a-day

Woke-up this morning to find our area was brushed by the big winter storm. I love snow, so was happy to see the white stuff, but I know for many folks in the Northeast, it's a different story. There were dire predictions that New York City would get two to three feet and the Governor of Connecticut shut the whole state down last night around nine. I was hoping for a full on snow day, but alas, all we got was a two hour delay.


Jeff Maisey - 1-26-15 - Image-a-day

I hung out with a very old friend tonight and it was good. We reminisced about some old adventures and mused about all the possibilities for journeys to come. A true friend is a rare thing in this life. Jeff and I have had some ups and downs, but we're still amigos and I am glad for that.



Sunday, January 25, 2015

What Attracts Me - 1-25-15 - Image-a-day

The sun was out today, though winter's chill is still in the air. I got a seven-mile hike in today, starting on the beach with my wife along for the first mile or so. She turned back down the beach and I continued on for the longer route, cutting back into a neighborhood heading south. On one of the side streets, I passed a tree with peeling bark and had to stop and get a photo. I love textures like that, peeling paint on an old building, weathered stone on some ancient ruin, anything that catches the light and weaves a pattern that shows the hand of life and time passing.


Arches - 1-24-15 - Image-a-day

I got out for an eight-mile hike today. It was a cold, grey, damp day, perfect for a long walk with some podcasts in my ears and a warm, familiar ache filling my legs and feet. Check here to see my stats and a map where I went.

I made a pass through the new Chesapeake Bay Foundation's Brock Environmental Center in the Pleasure House Point area and found this super cool drift wood archway on the path leading up to the center. I like how this rustic arch mirrors the sleek, futuristic arches of the building. The center is powered by wind and solar energy. The wind turbines were spinning fiercely in the strong north winds. It made me feel hopeful.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Friday Crush Hour - 1-23-15 - Image-a-day

I have a long commute to work that takes me through a tunnel and the traffic is often disagreeable, especially on Friday's. I always check the traffic cameras before I head out and today I was glad I did because it was a parking lot out there. There had been a fatal car crash earlier in the day that had brought all traffic to a full stop while the authorities did their grim work. By the time I left for home, the traffic was moving again, but the back-ups were long, so I had to use every shortcut I know.

Happy Friday!


Friday, January 23, 2015

Populuxe NASA-Style - 1/22/15 - Image-a-day

Last year my office at work was moved into a new building. It's a big building, very modern with long hallways and random hang-out and work areas scattered around. In one alcove on the second floor, I found this populuxe-ish light display.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Deer Corpse - 1/20/15 - Image-a-day

This shot wasn't taken today, it was taken in Mississippi on my "Red Clay Walk". I was about a mile into my walk when I spotted something in the ditch. Upon closer inspection I found it was a corpse! My overactive imagination pulled me instantly into "Mississippi Chainsaw Massacre". The scene a lone, lost person on a desolate country road finds a body in a ditch then the sound of a revving chainsaw and strange laughter... Luckily, it was just a deer carcass, dumped by some thoughtless hunters. I always wonder why so many hunters and fishermen litter and despoil the countryside and shores, yet talk about "loving nature".


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Selfie with Dad- 1/19/15 - Image-a-day

I've missed a few days of posting images on here because I was in Mississippi visiting my Dad and Step Mom for the weekend. I took photos everyday, but had no internet access as my Dad doesn't have internet service and my cell phone had no coverage, so I was off-the-grid. It's always a bit strange for me to visit my Dad in Mississippi as it's not a homecoming for me as I never lived down there, but my Dad's side of the family has deep roots there, so I have a lot of connections there, just few memories. Culturally, I don't fit in, but I always enjoy how friendly most people can be there and the simple, country life. I love my Dad and Step Mom Betty and was grateful to spend some time with them. They start each day with prayers and gratitude for their lives and the people in it, and I think that's a beautiful way to start a day. I'm still learning from my Dad.


Monday, January 19, 2015

Red Clay Walk - 1/18/15 - Image-a-day

I went for a walk while I was in Mississippi. My Dad lives out in the country, so it was easy to step down a side road and get a couple of miles. The ditch along the road exposed the red clay which my wife always loves to see, so I grabbed this self-portrait for her.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Spring Water - 1/17/15 - Image-a-day

On Saturday I went with my Dad and his neighbor Frank to a natural spring well to gather water. My Dad swears by this water to keep him healthy. We brought a couple of dozen two liter jugs to fill. The water flows freely from a white PVC pipe coming from the ground. The water tastes sweet and pure.


Friday, January 16, 2015

Dawn Flight - 1/16/15 - Image-a-day

I saw the sunrise from an airplane window this morning. Clear weather is a traveler's friend. Heading Mississippi-way to visit my Dad for the weekend. 


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pineapple Jack - 1/15/15 - Image-a-day

Today's image is a blast from the past, "Pineapple Jack"! He's one of my old sculptures from the 1990s that was a direct build-up method using UltraCal-30 plaster with nails and a board and painted with acrylics. I'm glad he's still hanging on my wall.


That's Ice for You - 1/14/15 - Image-a-day

Last night our area had a near miss with a wintery storm. Thirty-three degrees and raining was as close as it got in Tidewater, but northwest on the Peninsula the iceman cameth. All the trees twinkled with a thin coating of ice, just enough to be beautiful, but not so much that branches were coming down on the power lines. When I got to work, I grabbed a few photos before it all melted away...


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Foggy Journey Home - 1/12/15 - Image-a-day

It was a rainy and chilly Monday. The perfect kind of day to stay home in bed and read a good book, but alas, I had to go to work. By the end of the day, heavy fog rolled in making the drive home atmospheric, soft and mysterious.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Downtown Sound - 1/11/15 - Image-a-day

Today's image is of a street band I happened across while in the Ghent area of Norfolk today called "The Downtown Sound", a three-piece group; tuba, sax and drum kit. I enjoyed their jazzy, funky cover of Cee Lo Green's "Crazy". It was so funky, for a few minutes I felt like I was on Frenchman's Street in New Orleans...


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Cosmic Shards - 1-10-15 - Image-a-day

We visited The Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Va today. It's been a long time since we walked the halls there. Spent some time checking out the contemporary glass and I was mesmerized by this piece by German artist, Josepha Gasch-Muche called 7.3.2011. Inspired by my friend Ralf's recently posted short videos, I shot this short bit of moving picture trying to capture the elusive abstract quality of this work.


Friday, January 09, 2015

Unfinished Business - 1/8/15 - Image-a-day

I have a few things laying on the work bench that need to be finished; a tiki head, a couple of angel wings and two new Lo-Fi-Ga miniatures. Time moves too quickly and there's always duties and distractions that keep me away from the studio, but last year I found more time for my creative life and this is a good thing. My essential nature is to make art and I am always better for the time spent in the studio, so this year I hope to spend even more time.