Sunday, April 24, 2011

Image for 4-23-11 - I'm ready.

Got seven miles in today with the pack on. I feel ready for the coming big hike in Scotland. That seven miles also brought my year-to-date total up to two hundred and thirty-five miles, two miles ahead of the average I need of two hundred and thirty-three point thirty-three by the end of April and I'm not through with adding some more. It was hot yesterday, in the eighties, the first slicing fingers of summer heat in the wind. I enjoy the heat less and less as I get older. Prefer the cool and cold weather of fall and winter. Would rather have the fireplace roaring, then the AC humming. It's also more difficult to hike in the hot weather, the heat drains my energy, the humidity reduces me to a soggy sweat ball. The bugs swarm and bite and sting. Give me a cool, overcast day in November anytime.



  1. You sound like me when it's cold outside. The only thing I really look forward to when it gets cold it the possibility of a snow day...:)

  2. When is your trip? For some reason, I was thinking that your trip was around the same time ours was...

  3. Suppose to fly out tomorrow, but the bad weather might delay us. We shall.
