Thursday, March 03, 2011

money bar

Seen while walking down duval st.

I'll have to rotate that when I get home. Turn your head (or computer) to the right. This is an open-air bar on Duval. Every surface is covered in dollar bills. Some have been ripped off.


--Sent from my Virgin Mobile!

Mango tree - Key West

At Andrews Inn. --Sent from my Virgin Mobile!
Tag:"Virgin Mobile"
Location: lat=24.555, lng=-81.803
Sent from my Virgin Mobile

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Image for 3-2-2011 - Humble Lunch

Quick lunch at the desk. Simple bowl of rice. Oh yeah, and a Sierra Mist.


--Sent from my Cheap Mobile Phone!

Image for 3/1/11 - Sarah's Irish Pub...

This is Trish and Frank and they own my favorite Irish Pub in the area, Sarah's Irish Pub. I pop in there on my way home from work sometimes to unwind or wait out the tunnel traffic. They throw spectacular Christmas and St. Patty's Day parties. I took their picture to accompany an article I'm writing on Irish Pubs in Tidewater for VEER Magazine. Sarah's is in Phoebus (Hampton), Virginia on Mellen St. right down from the American Theater. Stop in sometime and have a pint next time you're on the peninsula.


Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Image for 2/28/11 - Look Down...

Funny the things you might see when you look down. Actually took this shot over the weekend while out on a hike. Some kind of marker on a multi-use path. Abstract art surrounds us all the time, we just need the right eyes to see it.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Image for 2/27/11 - Janet's in the studio and I feel fine...

My lovely wife is back in her studio with a smile on her face, making marks and making art! She's working on a new series of drawings that are over photographs of assembled sculptures that she made. Here's a shot of her working on the latest one. I feel privileged to watch her work progress. I get to see more of her work then anyone else, so envy me. Her work has a depth and power that never fails to open my head up. Her work is that "crack that lets the light in" that Leonard Cohen sang about. Janet has a slightly neglected blog called "Daily Drawings" that's worth a look if you want to explore her stuff. I'm lobbying her to start posting on there again, so leave her an encouraging comment. We want more art!