Sunday, May 03, 2015

Ralf and I Make an Exquisite Corpse - 5/3/2015 - Image-a-day

My good, old pal Ralf Schulze over there in the Aardvark Farm sent my a sweet mail art letter recently crammed with all kinds of weirdness. One interesting bit was an unfinished drawing with an invitation to complete, so I did. This is kind of collaboration is sometimes called an "Exquisite Corpse", a game that artists, particularly surrealist will play to keep the creative juices sharp. I feel fortunate to have a friend like Ralf who prompts me to continue to play at art; just have some fun and not take the art-making too seriously.

The animated GIF is fun, but makes it a little difficult to clearly see the two individual drawings, so here is the original drawing that Ralf did on April 10, 2015.

And here is what I added this morning.

I look forward to many joint projects like this in the years to come!

Thanks' Ralf!


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