Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Image for 3-29-11 - What's Out of Place?

One of these stickers doesn't belong. Can you guess which one? I met my buddy Casey for a pint after work at Sarah's Irish Pub. A section of the bar is covered in sassy, jokey bumper stickers all generally themed around drinking, bad attitudes, the battle of the sexes and other silliness. Today I spied one new sticker that spoiled the good humor of the collection for me. Yep, it's the Obama as the Joker sticker. I consider Sarah's to be a refugee and one of the things I need a break from is politics, especially the hateful, ignorant kind. This sticker perfectly illustrates what depresses me about the current tone of political dialogue (or lack there of) in this country. It is also a dishonest image as it aims is to bluntly paint our President as a villain and label him something he is not. I have no problem criticizing this President or any President, which is not what this image does. What it is is disingenuous, mean-spirited and worst of all not funny. Exactly what need a lot less of in the world right now.



  1. But Hal,
    People do the same hateful imagery and labeling to all presidents... It's just the same Politician-bashing-as-usual.
    The left-leaning media get all hot and bothered because the president this time around is black and NOT a Conservative Republican that they feel deserves to made fun of.
    -Art Maggot

  2. Not true. Everyone piled on Carter (and still does). Again, I have no problem criticizing or satirizing public and political officials of any stripe and have seen many funny and biting cartoons that go after Obama. I just think this image is not funny, satirical or helpful. In this hyper-partisan era, I take the rare position of making choices based on my beliefs and concerns, rather then picking a team. There are good points on both sides of the line. I'd counter to you, when do you hear anything positive about Obama on the right-leaning media (Rush, Hannity, etc.)? Never. I'm glad to have a friend like you with different points of view that we can discuss. Not everyone is as lucky. To the future!

    OK HW

  3. I saw this image plastered on a wall in downtown Richmond too(it was about 10 or 15 ft. tall). I get that people will feel strongly about all leaders, whether it be a boss at your company or a President that was chosen to lead the country, but there is a time and place for everything. My mother was a member of a woman's social club (briefly) when I was about 5 or so, and she took me with her once. The only rule that I can remember them announcing was that there was to be no talk of politics or finances - and I know why. Though it's great to debate either of these with friends and foes alike in an effort to develop ones own views further, it wreaks havoc on a casual, fun environment. Looks like someone needs to stealthily slip into Sarah's and stick one of those happy bunny stickers over this one...maybe the one that says, "Smoking: just pay for the lung disease and keep the yellow teeth as our free gift".
