Monday, December 28, 2009

Year End Hiking Wrap-Up

It's all done. All I needed to hit my goal of six hundred and fifty miles for the year was a mere four miles and they fell easily this afternoon. It was a fine, clear day and there was enough beach for me to walk down to the Lessner Bridge and then come around back down Shore Dr and through Bayville Park, then the final push home. It's a six mile loop and my favorite backyard hike because of the contrast between the beach and road. I needed four and picked up six, so on the gravy train and will add a few more before the ball drops on 2009.

It's been a good hiking year for me. Made three trips to the mountains of Virginia.
Added some great memories including clinging in forty mph winds to the top of Spy Rock; hiking the Jones Run/Doyle River loop off of Skyline Drive with my wife Janet on my birthday; conquering The Priest mountain in the fog, wind and rain with Jeff Maisey. All good miles and righteous mud on the boot and happy sore muscles at the end of the day.

Six Hundred and Fifty miles is a good number for me and will be the same number I'll shoot for next year. I'm looking forward to even bigger adventures in 2010 and hope to find my boots back in Ireland and Scotland.

Happy New Years,


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