Friday, September 17, 2021

52 Fridays - in Heaven, Everything is Fine


Greeting from Dublin, Ireland! It’s a rainy Friday here, perfect atmosphere for listening to some Mose Allison and doing a drawing. “In heaven, everything is fine.” My favorite quote from David Lynch’s first feature film, ”EraserHead”, and what I thought of when I saw this Bangwa figurine from Cameron found the IG feed of “lesboisnoirs” . A broken figure, hands nervously clutched together, feet shuffling out a slow, small dance and high, thin voice singing a weird song. Heaven has been on my mind and heart this week as I carried loved one’s ashes to scatter in the West of this green island. At times I wondered if the chaos of the world would block my way, but I have prevailed and now everything is fine. 

Whatever stands in your way, don’t let it stop you. Keep your feet moving and sing your song. You will get there…

See you next week,


Friday, September 10, 2021

52 Fridays- The Song of the Songye

Happy Friday! This week’s drawing is from the Songye people if Africa. I drew from an image I found on the Instagram account of evansafricanart.

Have a good week!


Saturday, September 04, 2021

52 Fridays - You Had Me at Bobo


How can anyone resist Bobo? Maybe a creepy clown named Bobo, but otherwise, Bobo just sounds like fun. If I ever ran for President (I never will, overqualified), I would change my name to Bobo and surely would win. This week's drawing subject is a Bobo statue (Calao) Mali I discovered through the Instagram account of Artwork Baillod, a private Swiss collection of African Art. You can visit their website here. This figure made me think of Tim Burton's work, particularly "Beetlejuice" and the always reliably zany cartoonist Lynda Barry. He looks like a proud Bobo, with that grin and groovy hat. It was a lot of fun to draw him. If you are feeling stressed, drop what you are doing and draw a Bobo!

I've noticed that there have been more visitors to my blog in the last month or so, and I appreciate everyone taking a break from the million other eyeball options and resting here for a moment. Your eyeballs are welcome!

Have a good week!


Friday, August 27, 2021

52 Fridays - Happier Vibes


Somehow we have made it to another Friday as this year of our (your? their?) Lord 2021 grinds on... I hope everything in your corner of the universe is going well. If so, then count your blessings. I try to do that everyday.

This week's drawing is a Dan Mask by the sculptor "Zon" from the Ivory Coast and Liberia region of west Africa. Once more, I returned to the fertile Instagram feed of "feereafricanart" So many wonderful examples of African art there. As always, if you enjoy this image, please take a moment to read about the history and origin of the Dan people so you can fully appreciate it. I love tribal art from all around the world, but African tribal art has a particular power and influence in my creative life. 

So, "happier vibes"? How so? After feeling the DOOM of life in 2021 closing in on me this last month, I am lighter today. Reminded myself that in my three feet of space, all is content and well. That all my hand-wringing and teeth-gnashing doesn't help or change anything. Better to keep a clear head, affect positive change where and when I can and let go of the rest. My interpretation of this mask shows that, as my version is narrower and has a gentler, less scary expression than the original. I like the original, and will draw it again sometime staying closer to the wider head, more intense eyes and larger lips, but I also like what I have done here. You got to love your imperfections. 

No change in materials, still using the same cheap, black Bic ballpoint pen in the same Muji notebook. Hope to have it filled by year's end.

Stay safe, be kind to everyone you meet and make something this week!