Friday, July 09, 2021

52 Fridays - Yakuba Zakpie

“Yakuba Zakpie” sounds like the name of the coolest preacher in West Africa or something you might say to someone to acknowledge a small injustice in the world, like a nicer way of saying “shit happens”. This super cool mask comes from the Cote D’Ivorie region of West Africa and is a Dan Yakuba Zakpie Mask I found on the Instagram feed of “passionate_or_obessessed”. I like it because it reminded me of Grace Jones. I really like the asymmetrical form created by the necklace (?) ball things. 

See you next week,


Friday, July 02, 2021

52 Fridays - Wide-Eyed

 This week’s drawing is a “Dan Mask” from the Gio subgroup of far- eastern Liberia that I found on the Instagram feed “evansafricanart”. I choose it because it has a haunted quality. There’s a wide-eyed wondering of, what the hell comes next in this crazy world. What a time to be alive.

Stay safe out there!


Saturday, June 26, 2021

52 Fridays - Happy Man!


This week’s drawing is a “Showwe Statue” I found on an Instagram post from “art.afrique.showroom”. I drew him because he reminds me of Sammy Davis Jr. and because he looks happy. I am also happy! I hope you are also happy.

Happy Friday! 


Friday, June 18, 2021

52 Fridays - Deep Ripper


The deep oceans are the home for some truly terrifying creatures. It's a living nightmare to think of bizarre animals swimming around in total darkness eating each other. This week's drawing is my imagined idea for one of these fish, a "Deep Ripper", a fierce predator with a powerful fist-like head filled with curved, broken glass sharp teeth that will tear anything to shreds. Of course this fish might only be a few inches long, so wouldn't be a threat, but what if it were five or six feet long? Get out of the water! 

Enjoy your beach time!