Friday, July 06, 2012

Toltec Telamon, Tally Me Bananas!

It has been very hot here along the coast of Virginia lately. A perfect time to stay in the AC and do some drawing. I flipped through a big art book on the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City and found this cool figure from the Toltec culture in Tula, Hidalgo called a "Telamon". I believe he was a support leg for an alter. What attracted me to this figure was the pose and the eyes. I exaggerated the face, especially the round, goggle-like eyes. He reminds me of something the French artist Mobieus would have drawn. Here's a close-up.


Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blue Ridge Bloodfest - My June Pick

And so, after the usual hand wringing, I have made my June selection for my "Shine Some Light" project to fund culture that I believe in. June's selection is a horror film festival that is the brain child of a child, a young man named Ammon Winder all of 12 years of age. Full disclosure, Ammon is the son of some old friends of mine (his Mom, RoseMarie has a great blog called "Random Acts of Poverty"), so he had a head start, but his story would have won me over regardless of his connections. The Blue Ridge Bloodfest is in it's second year and will be held in Charlottesville, Va. on the weekend of August 24-26. I didn't attend last year, but I hope to be there this year. From what I see of last year's program, it looks like Ammon is programming independent filmmakers both short and feature length films. There is both a web site and a Facebook page that you can visit for updates or if you have a horror film, send it in! Currently, the fundraiser has eight days left and nearly $2,000 left to raise. Contributions start at only $10, so I encourage you to get onboard and throw the lad a tenner.


Monday, June 18, 2012

My First Sculpture...

This weekend, Janet and I took on a task that has been hanging over us for a long time. We cleaned out our shed. Besides the usual gardening and yard tools, there is also a lot of boxes filled with who knew what. We had a vague idea of what was in there, but were surprised when we actually started pulling everything out. Among the various treasures, I came across this artifact from my childhood. The first sculpture that I ever did. I believe it's from the third grade, maybe it was the fourth grade, I'm not sure.
So what did I choose for the subject of my first sculpture? Why a giant sea monster attacking a seaside city of course! And I think the creature bares more then a passing resemblance to Jack Black! Click on the photos for a larger view and you be the judge!


Saturday, June 09, 2012

I got a solid 7 mile hike in today. I came across this sign along Shore Dr and had to grab a snap. I find it funny how popular zombies have become in our culture now. Images of zombies attacking and eating people has become mainstream. Back when the original Romero "Dawn of the Dead" came out in 1977, it got an X rating because of the extreme violence. Now we see worse on "The Walking Dead". OK HW