Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Future - 3/28/15 - Image-a-day

 I got a great 9-mile hike in today. My route took my by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's Environmental Center. They have two wind turbines generating clean electricity. It was a windy day and those suckers were really spinning. Always makes me feel hopeful for a better future where we are free of having to be so dependent on fossil fuels.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Put the Phone Down - 3/26/15 - Image-a-day

I saw this display on the drive home today. I appreciate that some city worker took the time and creative energy to try to do something fun to get this message across. It occurred to me that this is probably a futile effort as it isn't illegal to talk on your cell phone in Virginia. Maybe they meant, "Stop Texting". Whatever the intent, I dig the big traffic cone creatures.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Door - 3/20/15 - Image-a-day

I took a different route home today to avoid the Friday traffic. Along the way, I saw this mysterious door in a stone wall protecting a hidden space. This door is an eccentric detail for the neighborhood; the entire area as there's not much in the way of original architecture here. I wondered who carved the door. Was it a commission? Did the homeowner carve it him (her?) self? I will carve a door like this one day.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Love Yourself by Ralf Schulze - 3/17/2015 - Image-a-day

Today's image is a drawing done by my good, old friend Ralf Schulze. It was in a crazy package of bootleg movies and music and random DaDa bits and pieces. Ralf and I met through the underground comix zine scene way back in the late 1980s. We have managed to some how through the years, maintain a friendship. He's always been good at constructing elaborate packages full of art and silliness. It's like unpacking some lost time capsule from a tribe that got wiped out by unknown forces. I've tried to repay in-kind with my own packages, but they always seem to fall just short of Ralf's weird, eccentric glory.

I love this demented piece of art called, "Love Yourself". I see a skull fragmenting across some cyberpunk universe. If you can't love yourself, then who will?