Monday, March 16, 2015

Where Do Lo-Fi-Ga's Come From? - 3/15/15 - Image-a-day

One of my regular hiking routes takes me through a nearby park that has several Hickory Nut trees along the path. I'd seen the broken nut husks on the ground for years and never thought much about them until I was invited to take part in the "Small Works" art exhibition held at the Charles H. Taylor Center in Hampton, Virginia ever fall. I was looking for a fresh idea and seized upon these naturally discarded nut containers. Their shape suggested to me tiny, primitive masks and so the Lo-Fi-Ga's were born! Im careful to only select sound fragments that won't break or crumble. Today's image is the harvesting grounds.


Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Jack Kerouac - 3/12/15 - Image-a-day

My Portrait of Jack Kerouac
In 1922 Jack Kerouac was born today. He only lived to the age of forty-seven when he died in his Mother's bathroom from internal bleeding brought on by acute alcoholism. His best known book, "On the Road" has inspired me to try and live a life of adventure and non-conformity. I reread it every few years and find as I grow older my perspective on the book changes. Now it seems naive and nostalgic and magical, were once it was the future. I still love it and love the beats and the prefect, neverland of beatnik Ponderosa that I'll always be chasing.

Sleep well Jack and know your words still ring true in the hearts and minds of a billion earnest dreamers searching for kicks beyond the work-a-day life.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Art Supplies - 3/10/15 - Image-a-day

I've been carrying around a twenty-five dollar American Express gift card I received as a gift since Christmas. I didn't want to thoughtlessly blow it on a burger and a couple of beers. I wanted to think of something tangible I could get, something that would feed the better part of my soul, so I got some art supplies. It is impossible for me to go into an art supply store and not buy something. I always will buy another sketchbook or journal. This time I got two. Art supplies symbolize possibility and empowerment. I managed to get all this great stuff and still had four bucks and change left over.

What kind of art supplies do you like to buy?


Monday, March 09, 2015

Angel Wing - 3/8/15 - Image-a-day

Finishing carving an Angel's Wing in basswood. It's a commission of sorts for a friend. When I researched  Angel's Wings on the interwebs, I was confounded to find such a mind-boggling variety. One could spend an entire life carving Angel's Wings and never repeat a style. There are far smaller ways to live a life...