Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Meet the latest Lo-Fi-Ga, "Hoo-Tah" - 3/3/15 - Image-a-day

Here is another Lo-Fi-Ga I recently finished. His name is "Hoo-Tah", the spirit of mysterious sounds in the night.

All of the Lo-Fi-Ga's are carved from  Hickory Nut Husk. This one, without the base, is about an inch and quarter high.


Monday, March 02, 2015

Have you had enough yet? - 3/1/15 - Image-a-day

Have you had enough of the cold and snow and ice? I'm still enjoying this winter, though I have to admit I'm tired of there being so much ice still on the side roads and sidewalks. This has been an unusually cold and snowy winter for southeastern Virginia, so much so that I'm sure that it's driven more then a few people to drinking. Just like this snowman I saw on the beach today, PBR in hand. Whatever get's you through!


PS - I did not make this snowman.

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Dead Bird Composite - 2/28/15 - Image-a-day

Icy northwest winds are still blowing and snow still covers everything. I got out on the beach once more to get some hiking in. This cold weather has been tough on birds. The last few hikes I've seen many expired birds littering the beach. This bird was one of the larger ones I've come across. The white feathers on the body were stiff with ice. Even in death, this bird is graceful and free.


Saturday, February 28, 2015

They Have Arrived - 2-27-15 - Image-a-day

I found this jellyfish on the beach today. It was an odd sight in the middle of winter. This strange, organic jewel looked to me like an alien life form or maybe even a tiny flying saucer.